The Top 10 reason why travelling by train is better and safer than travelling by plane.

It may take longer to get there, a lot longer, depending on your destination, but Ecogeek has found the top reason why traveling on trains is better than traveling on planes. 

1.You can still be alive: 

If the plane you are travelling got hijack there is not way but to co-operate but if the train you are travelling got hijack, You can still RUN.On the otherhand, what would you do if your plane you are travelling caught a fire or a software failure!!! Are you ready to jump from that height with a parachute in your back??? oh no.....that's too scary, only a movie heros would do that happily.well if you are on train if there is any technical or any kind of accident (if you know) there is lot of ways you can escape even if you are not a HERO :D

2.More legroom: 

After flying like a sardine in coach, the seats on trains feel like plush arm chairs.  And all the Amtrak trains I went on had footrests and I could stretch my legs out. Plus, even when I had window seats there was still plenty of room for me to get up and go to the bathroom without disturbing the person next to me in the aisle seat. Aaaa space!

3.No middle seat: 

Traveling alone and getting stuck with a middle seat on a plane SUCKS, especially when the            people on either side don’t give you both armrests.And the awesome thing about trains is there is no middle seat!!

4.Big Windows & Scenic views: 

Airplane windows aren't that bad but train windows are huge!! For a photo addict like me, it’s so much fun being able to take pictures and pass the time by simply staring out the window and enjoying the scenery.

5.Electrical outlets:

With the way our laptops, tablets, and smart phones devourer battery life, having electrical outlets on trains rocks!  I can’t count the number of times I have been using my laptop to do work or watch a movie on a plane ride and run out of juice half way into the flight.

6.No security checkpoints: 

Although this can also be a negative, it certainly saves a lot of time getting on trains compared to planes.  Plus you can carry on all the shampoo, hair gel, and bottled drinks that you want without that 3 ounce limit! Not having to unpack and repack a laptop, or deal with taking coats and shoes off and putting them back on is nice and makes boarding much less stressful.

7.Walks between cars:

If the extra legroom on trains isn’t enough for you, there are tons of cars you can walk up and down to stretch your legs out and get your circulation flowing again.  Flight attendants usually don’t like people doing this on planes, and with the way airplane aisles are so narrow, it’s often not possible to walk straight without bumping people.


 Compared to airfare, train tickets are cheap!  This is a lovely perk for personal finance fans and anyone looking to save some money.  For example, right now it costs less than $100 by train to get from Washington D.C. to Philadelphia, but close to $400 by air!  But other itineraries have a much narrower spread in price, like Washington D.C. to New York City for $160 by train or about $175 by air.  Train ticket prices don’t fluctuate as often as airfare and gas prices do, which makes buying train tickets less stressful, and Amtrak and most commuter trains also offer rail passes, which is another great way to save money on tickets.

9.Cell signal: 

More planes are starting to offer wifi but it costs money and doesn’t always work. Trains on the other hand travel slow enough that your devices arent bouncing from tower to tower every second so you can surf the web and make calls using your carrier’s signal. There will still be some blackout spots in tunnels and in some rural areas, but to me some signal is way better than none!

10.Hop On, Hop Off:

 If you purchase rail passes, you have the flexibility to hop on and hop off trains which is great if you’re on vacation or living a mobile lifestyle and want to explore more than one area.  It’s easy to look up train schedules too so you can plan out how long you want to visit at various stops.

N:B :
But  don't travel this way :P

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